About Codex
Citations, Credits, Terms and Privacy notice
- Codex is developed and hosted by the Princeton Neuroscience Institute of Princeton University
- To cite Codex in your research please use http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.35928.67844
- This instance of Codex serves data from the FlyWire connectome - see data credits page for details
- Supported by BRAIN Initiative grant MH117815, MH129268 and U24 NS126935 to Murthy and Seung
- Codex & FlyWire Terms of Service and Privacy notice
- Codex is under active development - functionality and quality of the data are improving daily
- Feedback from users is highly appreciated, please provide below
Creators @ Princeton Neuroscience Institute
- Arie Matsliah (arie@princeton.edu), Research Scientist and FlyWire Data Evangelist, Murthy Lab
- Amy Sterling (amysterling@princeton.edu), Crowdsourcing and Outreach Manager, Seung Lab
- Sven M. Dorkenwald (svenmd@princeton.edu), Ph.D. Student and FlyWire Proofreading Platform Lead, Seung Lab
- Kai Kuehner (kkuehner@princeton.edu), Developer, Seung Lab
- Ryan Morey (rmorey@princeton.edu), Developer, Seung Lab
Tech Stack Credits
- 3D visualizations powered by Neuroglancer, a web-based viewer for volumetric data from Google
- Data ingestion and access control relies on CAVE: Connectome Annotation Versioning Engine from Allen Institute
- Network visualisations are rendered using vis.js community edition
Links and Resources
- Codex source code
- Codex demo clips
App Details
- Commit git sha
- Built on Sat Feb 8 08:42:54 EST 2025
- Environment PROD
- Process id 44e8-P (localhost)
- Instance uptime 36:07 (84 requests)
- Mean response time 0.196 sec
- Error rate 0
- Rate limited requests 0