The FlyWire connectome was generated using a combination of automated image analysis and human proofreading. First, a team of researchers used electron microscopy to image a complete adult fly brain (FAFB). The resulting images were then aligned and segmented using AI and other algorithms. This resulted in a preliminary connectome, that was then proofread by a community of scientists and citizen scientists using the FlyWire proofreading platform. The platform allows users to view and edit the connectome, and to provide annotations about the neurons and synapses. This process helped to improve the accuracy of the connectome, and to identify new features that were not visible in the original images. For additional information refer to the FlyWire homepage.
In FlyWire, neuron side is decided based on SOMA (cell body) position, and both neuropil and neuron side annotations are from fly's perspective. After the initial FlyWire release, we learned that the FAFB dataset used in FlyWire was left/right inverted during image acquisition. This impacted neurons labeled L/R, neuropil names, and any other use of left/right. This issue was addressed by inverting the left/right orientation of all annotations and labels in both CAVE and Codex. However, we decided not to change the imagery or segmentation data, which means that all images and 3D views are inverted, both for cells and neuropils. If you have any questions, please contact
Codex provides access to static FlyWire connectome data releases (sometimes referred to as 'snapshots' or 'versions'). These releases include only cells that were marked as proofread. In addition, Codex excludes weak connections. Specifically, a pair of cells counts as connected if the number of synapses is at least 5. To switch from the default data snapshot one of the older releases use the dataset dropdown menu. And for live queries against the proofreading database tables use the CAVE Client Python library instead.
The connectome forms a directed graph where nodes correspond to neurons and edges to synaptic connections. Edges have the following properties: number of synapses, region (neuropil), predicted neurotransmitter type. Nodes have various annotations, including hierarchical classification, identification labels, neurotransmitter predictions, side, and more. A pair of nodes can be connected with multiple edges corresponding to different brain regions.
Yes, visit the data download portal to review and download the FlyWire connectome data resources.
For individual cell identification data (e.g. cell type annotations) you can navigate to the cell detail page and submit the annotations directly from there. For bulk deposit, please email a CSV (or other plain text file format) where cell id / annotation columns are clearly marked to In the email include a description of the data + citation / source.
Cell names were assigned automatically based on neuropils (brain regions) where the cells have most of their synapstic connections. Note of caution: this naming scheme will be carried forward with next releases, so as proofreading continues names of certain cells might change over time.
Sensory, ascending, descending and visual projection neurons were identified by the Jefferis Lab. The remaining neurons were assigned to the central brain if they had more than 100 connections in the central brain (vs the optic lobe), and to the optic lobe otherwise. As cell identification efforts progress, these classes will evolve too over time.
A minimum threshold of 5 synapses is applied across the board to determine connectivity between pairs of cells.
NBLAST is a method for assigning similarity scores to pairs of neurons. NBLAST scores are not necessarily symmetric, and they range from 1 (morphologically similar) to -1 (not similar).
The NBLAST scores used here were contributed by Dr. Philipp Schlegel.
Shortest path length is equivalent to the minimum number of 'hops' required to reach from the source cell to the target via synaptic connections in the connectome network.
NOTE Only connections with 5+ synapses are taken into account.
The Neuroglancer based 3D viewer generally uses coordinate system with 4, 4, 40 nm voxels (shown in the upper left), while outside of the viewer points (e.g. synapse locations) are generally specified in nanometer resolution. The origin of the 3D vieer was chosen as a corner of the bounding box surrounding the image volume. The orientation of the coordinate system is roughly as follows: the x-axis runs from left to right (lateral), the y-axis from dorsal to ventral, and the z-axis from anterior to posterior. These are rough alignments because they were put in place when the sample was cut.
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