Open Data Challenge
About FlyWire
Founders and Funders
- FlyWire is created at Princeton University, with support from the US Brain Initiative (grants MH117815, MH129268 and U24 NS126935 to Murthy and Seung)
- Proofreading and annotation of the FlyWire Connectome has been carried out by a community of scientists worldwide
- FlyWire Consortium member labs and scientific steering group are listed here
- Completeness and accuracy of the connectome annotations are still improving, and are updated in Codex ~weekly
Credits and Resources
- When using the FlyWire resource in a publication, please cite the applicable papers as outlined in this table
- To cite Codex in your research please use
- When using FlyWire data pre-publication, please follow the instructions in this doc (pre-publication access refers to using the latest data in production which has not been made available to the public yet)
- FlyWire Terms of Service and Privacy notice
Data Sources
- Cell segments were auto-generated from electron-microscopy images with AI
- Cell reconstructions were assembled from segments (proofread) by the FlyWire community (see FlyWire)
- Synaptic connections were automatically detected using the Buhmann et al. method and refined with synapse segmentations from Heinrich et al.
- Free-form labels (cell identification tags) were provided by the FlyWire community - see the labeling leaderboard and detailed credits in each cell info page
- Hierarchical annotations (side, flow, super class, cell class, cell type, Hemibrain type, nerve and hemi-lineage) were provided by Schlegel et al. (Jefferis lab)
- Neurotransmitter types were predicted by Eckstein, Bates et al.
- Morphological similarity scores (NBLAST based) were computed for the central brain cells by Philipp Schlegel
- Refer to the table below or contact for additional info / questions on data credits
Citation Guidelines